The Sombre march of time. Hog Roast Erith at memorial service.

As caterers Hog Roast Erith are exposed to all sorts of events, while some of these are happy and joyous occasions they can sometimes be deeply emotional and upsetting events too. Memorial services are just one of many types of the more solemn events that the team is hired to cater.

This particular event was a family memorial, to commemorate the life of a family member who died during the height of lockdown, so no funeral was able to take place. However, now restrictions are being eased and gatherings are able to take place the family wanted to conduct a memorial service.

Hog Roast ErithThe clients wanted a simple buffet to feed the 20 family members who gathered for the sad occasion. That is exactly what the Catering Manager from Hog Roast Erith delivered.

The venue for the post-memorial wake was at the client’s home. The Catering Manager arrived at the venue by 10pm, this was so that all the food could be prepared from scratch by hand before the serving time. The buffet was set to be served at 4pm. There was plenty of space on the client’s driveway for the catering gazebo and cooking equipment, so as soon as everything was ready the Hog Roast Erith Chef got to work.

The main attraction at the buffet table was the Classic Hog Roast, this was a slow spit roasted pig that was served with delicious crispy crackling, homemade sage and onion stuffing and tasty apple sauce. Alongside the Classic Hog Roast there was also grilled vegetable and halloumi skewers, as well as a large platter of sweet potato fries, which are always a popular favourite. Finishing off the buffet was a basket of soft gluten free rolls, and an assortment of condiments for the guests to use.

The Hog Roast Erith team provided disposable crockery and cutlery for the guests to use at this event. These disposable items were then discreetly tidied away by the Chef at the end and taken off site along with all the other rubbish generated. It was later disposed of responsibly, leaving the clients and their guests able to focus on their collective mourning for their lost relative.