Party in the Park, Hog Roast Aveley Style!

Hog Roast Aveley were very excited by their latest event. They were thrilled to be invited to cater the local town councils latest initiative to encourage locals to make the most of their green spaces! The clients wanted an exciting buffet for their 75 guests and the team was only too happy to hop aboard.

Hog Roast AveleyThe party was a fun, all day event which came to a close at 10pm when the outdoor movie element of the celebration came to an end. The buffet was set to be served at 8:30pm, just as the film began.

The menu for the event was carefully selected by the clients to make sure that there would be plenty of choice for the lucky guests. There would be three types of fresh salad: crunchy coleslaw, tomato and basil salad and a fruity Waldorf salad. Also, there was a mountain of soft bread rolls, which were gluten free. The clients also selected the menu to include jacket potato wedges, which are always a firm favourite with guests. The part of the buffet that the clients were most excited about however, was the slow roasted local free range chicken that was served with chipolata sausage, stuffing and delicious homemade onion gravy.

As the serving time for the buffet was 8:30pm the Chef and assistant from Hog Roast Aveley arrived at the park by 2:30pm. This gave them plenty of time to set up the cooking equipment, the catering gazebo and lights and also the serving table, from which the buffet would be served. The Chef and assistant then got on to preparing all the delicious dishes for the guests to enjoy.

The Chef and assistant from the Hog Roast Aveley team worked together to help the guests serve themselves at the buffet. Once all the food had been enjoyed the team of two discreetly tidied away their equipment. All the rubbish generated from the catering of the event was taken off site by the team and then disposed of responsibly.

The event was a great success and luckily the sun stayed shining the whole day! The clients and guests loved the spread put on by Hog Roast Aveley; it helped round off the event nicely.